Are You Ready To Meet The Millionaire Inside of You?


Enter your details to receive a special FREE downloadable PDF Guide with the steps that took me from $0.69 cents to thousands in my bank account! Plus, get my wealth hypnosis audio for FREE! (Worth $77)



Are You Ready To Meet The Millionaire Inside of You?

Enter your details to receive a special FREE downloadable training with step-by-steps that took me from cents to thousands in my bank account! Plus, get my my wealth hypnosis audio for FREE! (Worth $77)


Get the steps to program your subconscious for wealth! 


Hi, I'm Mary Lou Rodriguez!
Your Certified Master Hypnotherapist! 🦋


I am NGH Certified Master Hypnotherapist, Brain Training Expert! I have spent my incredible time teaching thousands of high-level entrepreneurs, high-achievers, and people like you to master their mindset and train their brain to attract a life beyond imaginable!  Through my powerful programs, trainings, and hypnosis audios, you will be able shift your beliefs, master your thoughts, and raise your vibration to live a life that exceeds your wildest expectations! There was a point in my life that I wasn't this confident. I was just like you, stuck in perfectionism, stuck in old stories and beliefs that were just limiting my potential. When I finally decided to shift my attention from that and use hypnosis to rewire brain to unstoppable confidence, my life expanded beyond what I imagined. Now, I'm here to teach you how to do the same as a Certified Hypnotist. Just imagine what would be possible for you and your clients  if you had unlimited unstoppable confidence in ALL areas of Hypnosis Expand your client's potential and your business abilities too!