Discover How To Get Out Of Your Own Way and
Start Living The Life of
Your Dreams
(without willpower or hustling!)
Use Hypnosis to shift and transform EVERY aspect of your life in less than an hour a day! Train your brain to automatically stop unwanted behaviors and thoughts and have the ability to control pain, anxiety and stress. Imagine being financially abundant, vanish unfulfilling patterns, stop negative self talk, and finally take aligned action towards your goals in life, business, and health. Join the Unstoppable Mind Membership!

You don't need a spiritual/life coach to help you achieve transformation or new levels of abundance!
If you are like 99% of people, you've probably been having a hard time making lasting changes in your life. You're probably struggling to stay on top of your transformation. You want to be more committed to your goals and you're trying to remain in a positive mindset. You're looking to have more money in your life. You might be trying to force change on all the negative behaviors that you know are stopping you from attracting all that you want in this lifetime, but the doing of it all feels heavy, right?
It feels like a list of to-do tasks.
Trust me, I know because I was there too!
If you are like me, you might have already gone down the route of hiring a spiritual/life coach or a business strategist who claimed to have a strategy that will for sure take the edge of your plate. They probably kept telling you that if you keep at it, keep working hard, keep doing the work, transformation would happen in no time...
Well, that's the problem!
Most overworked entrepreneurs and people like you make the mistake of thinking that the harder you work and the more time you put in to your transformation, the more change you’ll see…
How’s that been working for you so far?
(I know it hasn’t or else you’d already have everything you need and you wouldn’t be reading this page.)
After a week or two of feeling accomplished and keeping up with all the tasks you’re doing, you can’t keep up.
By week 3 or 4 you find yourself in the same place you started …
… and you feel even worse that you couldn’t keep up with those tasks, and that you couldn't keep the self sabotaging habits and thoughts away.
But putting a pause, again, on the transformation you desire so such isn’t what you want.
So, again, you start wondering how you can become more mindful of your health, attract the wealth that you want, creating the results you want in your business, making sleep and rest your priority, showing up to do those LIVES, stop habitual responses, and most of all attract the abundance and finances you wished you had.
You know it’s possible so you wonder what you’re missing.
But have you stopped to consider what the top 2% do differently than most people?
Let me tell you a little secret. It’s something that the most successful people around the world know but don’t talk about…
The top 2% of successful people around the world practice meditation, or focus so much on being in a mindful state... what they are REALLY doing is trying to access their subconscious.
What they know that you don’t know, yet, is a technique called subconscious reprogramming.
Yes, you can reprogram your subconscious mind to ATTRACT MORE IN LIFE and BREAK HABITS THAT HAVE HELD YOU BACK.
You can attract more health & weight loss,
wealth and a new job that serves you better,
remove past old trauma,
break limiting beliefs,
change bad habits around procrastination,
become confident with yourself, gain wealth & traction in your business,
and literally ANYTHING you wanted in in life.
I couldn't believe it when I discovered it and tested it for myself. I was surprised how EASY it was to create permanent changes in my life.
You might be wondering, like I did, why this works when so many other things have failed….
If you don’t program your subconscious,
you will stay right where you are...
...sitting on the sidelines watching other people live their amazing life while you continue an unsustainable cycle of working hard before falling back into your old patterns.
Have you fully considered how much time, money, and energy it costs you to keep doing the same thing over and over… and not getting the results you want?
And worse, if you keep “failing” the biggest risk is that you might start to think that you can’t actually live your dreams, when the real problem is just that you’re missing one key tool.
Here’s the good news; neuroscience shows us that the subconscious mind is running 90% of our daily decisions and actions. So, when you re-wire the subconscious to think and act in a better way that serves you, you’ll easily reach your goal and live a happy and abundant life!
I'll say that AGAIN, your subconscious is running 90% of your daily decisions are actions automatically. Your subconscious could be your best asset AFTER you rewire it to support your goals and dreams.
Because without re-wiring your subconscious, no matter how hard you try, you’ll stay stuck getting the same results you’re getting now.
Here’s why:
Your thinking guides the actions you take and the actions are what produce your results.
Your automated thoughts are on autopilot, and since you aren’t where you want to be yet, it’s your subconscious thoughts that are sabotaging you.
And that’s great news!
Hypnosis is a powerful and easy way to erase what no longer serves you.
It’s the best way to communicate with your subconscious. Creating the life and business you want is not about luck, finding the right coach, or applying the best strategies on the market, it’s about belief, intention, and moving past your negative thinking - all of this is inside your subconscious.
I am grateful you are here! 🦋
Hi, I'm Mary Lou Rodriguez, A National Guild Certified Master Hypnotherapist and Brain Training Expert!
I am a happy, successful, and passionate hypnotherapist! I am a abundant business owner, confident speaker, girlfriend, loving sister and friend! Coming from the state of Oregon, I had been an employee most of my life and in March of 2018, I took the leap of faith to start my own business. It wasn’t until my mother fell ill and went into a coma for two years, that I became interested in studying the benefits of hypnosis. In an attempt to communicate with my mother through her subconscious – this is when my passion for hypnosis blossomed. Since then, I was placed on a beautiful path of healing work that I love so much!
Now, almost 5 years later I have helped thousands of people like you and high level entrepreneurs achieve their biggest goals. Erase the self sabotaging thoughts and habits!

So... do you want to keep yourself in the same place you are in right now, feeling stuck and letting life pass you by or are you ready to rewire the way you think and have and unstoppable mind? This is exactly why I created The Unstoppable Mind Membership!
Be part of a thriving unstoppable community that understands you!
A hub for humans who want to transform their lives through the power of hypnosis. Join Master Hypnotherapist, Mary Lou Rodriguez alongside the many others who have already received great benefits from her private sessions, live workshops, and hypnosis audios. After all, why wait any longer to live the life of your dreams! I promise you won't regret it!
Welcome to The Unstoppable Mind Membership!

See What's Inside The Membership!

Get access to my ENTIRE Master Recording Hypnosis Library!
If you’re really serious about eliminating all the fears, worries, and blocks that are holding your life & business back, then you will love what's available for you right now!
✅ Overcoming Self-Doubt
✅ Achieve Your Full Potential
✅ Focus on Your Highest Priorities
✅ Motivate Your Mind for Success
✅ Cultivate Positive Habits
✅ Manifesting While in Hypnosis
✅ Money Mindset Mastery
Monthly LIVE group coaching calls and a LIVE hypnosis session on a new theme!
Ready to dive deep into your subconscious? Each month there will be a monthly theme to what we're covering next!
Check out we're covering:
Self Appreciation (Self Love)
Radical Trust
Personal Power
Leaning Into Your Gifts
Attachment and Detachment
Break through all your mental limitations and finally take the aligned action to reach your goals!

Monthly Roundtable Talks With Members Of Our Community!
Imagine how much faster you’ll grow when you’re surrounded by hundreds of people who are doing the exact same thing as you and every win is shared. How much faster do you think you’ll grow without it? Ready for you to be the next speaker!? Each month we offer the opportunity for someone in the membership to speak about the month's topic and promote their upcoming offers with the members. It's a great way teach and network with other members!

Georgie Beames
Mary Lou's sessions are powerful! I listen to her recordings every night before bed and it has had a tremendous impact in changing my wealth consciousness. She is caring, kind and full of love and service.

Rachelle Holowko
Deciding to work with Mary Lou was the best decision not only for my money mindset but we went so much deeper in our sessions allowing me to work on and help clear other blocks too including worth and trust (huge ones for me!)

I was addicted to the struggle until I met Mary Lou. My life has changed!
I share Mary Lou with everyone that I can. She's amazing!
Erase the self sabotaging thoughts & limited beliefs.
You can have the results you want in life and in your business.
Will hypnosis work for me? Does it really work?
That’s what Katie & Justina thought too, until they experienced lifetime changes! See for yourself!